Sunday, July 20, 2008


I love earplugs. I have worn them every night since my daughter was born. Some may think this is funny but I believe most of us just need a goods nights rest and that is what ear plugs can offer. Phil is the one that gets up with the kids at night when they cry. Over the years I have had friends ask how in the world I get my husband to wake up with the children at night when they cry. To this I go on about what a wonderful husband he is and how much he cares about me, you know the usual compliments one would give about such a wonderful person as Phil. Well, what I don't tell them is that it all started with something called earplugs. If you can't hear them then how can you get up with them, right? Well, for some reason a few months ago Sam started waking up at night again and crying until I nursed him. Phil and I were going nuts, because even ear plugs cannot protect me from the sadness I feel knowing that my husband is up with the baby almost every night. So 2 weeks ago I bought Phil and I some ear plugs and told him that we were going to let him cry it out, while checking on him and comforting him every 10 minutes. We decided to switch off nights for who was up with him. I took the first night. Phil put his earplugs in and I saw him relax more than he had in 2 months, all he said was, "now I know why you wear earplugs." And he fell asleep. It only took 2 nights for Sam to go back to sleeping through the night but Phil still wears his earplugs just in case, and both of us have slept remarkably well for the last 2 weeks.

post script...
Just so everyone doesn't think we are horrible & irresponsible parents, I am a VERY light sleeper and despite earplugs I do hear when the children wake up at night, earplugs just help to take the edge off.


Amanda said...

You finished last night? I thought only 100 pg's a day! LOL I knew you woldn't beable to handle that! Great Idea with the ear plugs!

Allison said...

John gets up with our boys too. It started when we were letting them cry it out at night and I couldn't go in there because I would pick them up. Now 3 years later John wakes up to the slightest sound and I sleep peacefully through the night never knowing that the kids were even awake (unless of course they were climbing in bed with us).

LAURA said...

I wear earplugs here too, have since my college days. I still wake up when I hear loud crying...there is NO WAY Spencer would get up with a little one...but I can attest that earplugs help with the little noises you don't need to wake up to! Way to go Phil for being every new mom's dream!

2MyGirls said...

Wow! You are brave to wear earplugs. I am too paranoid to do something like that, which is why I sleep horribly most nights. I am just resigned to the fact that as long as there are kids in the house, I will never get a good nights rest.

McCrazys said...

I know someone whose 4 girls are such high pitched screamers, she wears earplugs during the day too. She says she is a lot nicer and happier Mom. LOL