Saturday, May 9, 2009

Picnic at the Pool

It's been over 100 degrees this week, so we decided to go swimming and have a picnic.

Lizzy made the sandwiches. "Aren't I a good chef mommy?" she proclaimed while showing me her p-nut butter and grape sandwiches.

Sorry there are no pictures of me but as my husband observed the other day, "you disappear from photo's when you are pregnant." I told him that there were a whole 2 years when I was wearing braces that not a photo can be found.

Here are some fun photos of the rest of the fam.



Love these pics!
I wish we could come swimming with you. The water looks great. But alas...I will still be wearing a sweater all summer....and there are NO outdoor pools here in Scotland.

Grapefruit said...

Cute pictures. Looks fun. (And hot!) And I don't have any pics from when I was pregnant and now I wish I did. You get in front of the camera!

MarySue said...

Great photos and it looks like such a fun afternoon. Our pool has never been this warm this early in May.

Susanne said...

That was a neat action shot of Lizzy jumping into the water. I wonder if my camera does that...

Becca and fam said...

I do have some pictures of me pregnant, usually at the baby shower, so they do exsist, but they are rare.

The photo of 4 Lizzy's was actually 4 different jumps she took in different places in the pool, my cool husband and his mad photoshop skills put them into one photo for me. I wish I had a cooler camera, but alas I can dream.

Lynsi said...

Becca, you look so great! Someday you will want to see some of those prego belly shots! Love the pandb grape sandwich... haven't tried that one yet! Time to look forward to Lots of swimming ahead!

LAURA said...

No way Becca, you have to take some preggo pictures. That's my favorite part of my pregnant friends blogs, looking at their cute bellies.

neffie said...

Cute photos! I love the one of Lizzy jumping into the pool - those are some sweet photoshop skillz!