Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Trees, trees, and more trees.

Hello from Oregon.

I had grand intentions the first day we got here to post pictures from our road trip. They would have included the trailer park-yacht themed motel we stayed at (we stayed in the Captains Quarters.) And maybe a few photos of the landscape along the way (although really, that wasn't that great.) But, we have been busy unpacking, starting a new school, explaining to Sam why his bed is here and trying not to go into labor too early.

I had to take a moment and post about something Sam said. As any mother that has ever had a two year old knows, they want to know what what everything is. Sam will say, "What's that?" about 500 times a day. Sometimes we can't tell if he is pointing to the building or the telephone pole right next to it, but he asks this all day about everything.

We were on our way to drop Lizzy off to school for the first time, here is what he asked:

Sam: "What's that?!?!"

I turned around to see what he was pointing at. There were no buildings or telephone poles, this was unmistakable. He was pointing at the trees.

I said: "Those are trees."

Sam (with a sort of reverence): "Trees."

Then very excitedly he started pointing all around him saying: "TREES! More trees! More trees! More trees!"

It's true Sam, we aren't in Arizona anymore.

View from our back patio. Photo courtesy of Lizzy.



We are so glad you are there safe!!

Sam is so cute!!! I really miss him and Lizzy!!

Great picture Liz!!

Amanda said...

Oh I miss you and you haven't even been gone a week! :( Can't wait to see more pict's. Hope all is well!

Grapefruit said...

We miss you guys so much. Paige said they read something about Oregon in class and the entire class mentioned Lizzy. Every day she comes home with another book she has made for Lizzy to send to her. I think I still think you are just on some dreadfully long vacation and that any minute you'll be back and I'll be dropping off random desserts at your door. Just like old times.

But, at least you have trees! It did rain here this morning, for a few minutes. But now that blasted blue sky is back.

Jane keeps asking for "Becca? Phil? Sam?"

Matt is wearing an afro wig and john lennon glasses tonight while playing the guitar to Bon Jovi at young men's. Isn't that worth moving back for? :)

Miss you guys.

Allison said...

I miss you already! I'm glad you made it all in one piece. I can't wait to hear how everything is there.

AED said...

HAHA! That's absolutely hilarious!! And "good job" , Liz, on the photo. It's AWESOME!!

SuburbiaMom said...

Cute! That's probably how my kids would react to cactis.

Susanne said...

Beautiful! Wish I was there--though here is good with 80 degree weather. But I miss you. Did you get my Goodreads book suggestion? I'm thinking about you.

Lynsi said...

Glad you made it safely! I heard about the drive... and quick drive back! Wow, what a trip! Glad you are getting settled and enjoying the beauty! Miss you guys!!

LAURA said...

congrats on the move, oregon is an awesome place, aren't you from there? did phil get a job there?