Saturday, January 30, 2010

I'm obsessed...

Seriously. With Etsy. I spend my spare time being completely non-productive and adding items to my favorites on Etsy. Here are a few of my favorite things:

tile coasters

chiffon shoe clips. seriously, who come up with these ideas? Awesome!

A PHOTOGRAPH of a cactus - no one is selling the actual cactus ;)

bunny wall decals

banana salt and pepper shakers


LAURA said...

I do the same thing!

Allison said...

Was the cactus on Etsy? Wow they're getting good. I've been wanting to make the tile coasters. I saw a tutorial for it here.

Grapefruit said...

What was the cactus?

I like those tile coasters!

SuburbiaMom said...

It gives me good ideas. If we weren't all busy moms we could be whipping out enough homemade stuff of our own to sell on etsy!

AED said...

I didn't even know what Etsy was until I just now looked it up. ;) Maybe I could get a few ideas from it.

Kim said...

I love all the things you've posted!! I haven't ventured onto Etsy yet and it's probably a good thing ;-)