Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My new nephew and his gorgeous mama

My nephew Sebastian was born in Scotland on Groundhogs Day. Isn't he such a cutie? I'm in love with him already, and so are the kids. Sam asks when we can go to Aunt Mary's house and Lizzy can't stop saying "Awwww!"
For more pictures of the darling go to my sisters blog:


Now, Don't you just LOVE the headband my sister is wearing? I made it for my sister Katie for her birthday and since have had several orders for the same headband. My sis looks AMAZING for just having had a baby (natural, by-the-way.) But, I think the headband helps ;)
It's only $8.99 and to order one go to my etsy shop here:



Kim said...

The baby and the headband are very cute!

neffie said...

Mary is just glowing! And yes, I think the headband is helping her glow. :-) (Good job on the headband it's adorable) He's so stinkin cute! I can't wait until I can get over there and meet him!