Friday, July 11, 2008

1st steps and more fun

Well, Samuel took his 1st step a few days ago. He's 9 months right now and I can tell he is just trying to keep up with his very active sister. I am adding a video of Sam crawling up the steps. He knows the meaning of the word "no" and yesterday when he tried to crawl up the stairs Phil told him no. Then Sam looked at Phil, laughed and proceeded to crawl up the steps and checking to see if daddy was following him. Now he thinks it's a funny game instead of something he shouldn't be doing. But, as my mom says he does have Phil's sense of humor, which if anyone knows Phil they know there is a side of him that is funny and silly, apparently he has passed this on to his son.
It is one of my favorite things about Phil, and Sam.
Here's the video...



This is the cutest video of Sam! I love his laugh!!!

2MyGirls said...

Love the thighs! Sam has the most adorable laugh--he had Greg and I laughing. As for what to do during the summer, I have no idea. We stay indoors and take long naps in the afternoon. In the evenings we go for a walk to the park.

Jennifer said...

He is so adorable, Becca! It never ceases to amaze me how fast they grow the first year.