Sunday, April 18, 2010

Thanks Kim for this award

With this award, I'm supposed to list 6 things I'm a MASTER at and then pass it on to SIX people. you go! Things I'm a MASTER at.....
1. Being happy in the morning
2. Enjoying cooking, baking, and eating (does that count as one?)
3. Complimenting people
4. Talking one-on-one with my daughter
5. Working out (I LIVE for a good sweat)
6. Wanting to do what's right (boring, I know, but true)

I'm passing this award on to:
1. The Sweet Bookshelf
2. Grapefruit - although, I know your blog it 2 cool 4 this ;)
3. Amanda
4. McCrazy's
5. Suburbia Mom
6. The Fun is Just Beginning



that picture is hilarious! Thanks for the award Bec! I'll work on it today and pass it on!

Grapefruit said...

You are a master at being happy in the morning? HOW ARE WE FRIENDS?

Kim said...

You're welcome!! Those are great things to be a master of!

SuburbiaMom said...

I love that you are a master at complimenting people--it's boosted my self-esteem for years! You are such a good friend!

*Ginny said...

You are also EXCELLENT at keeping your kids in touch with their mamaw who lives across the country. Thanks!