Saturday, June 4, 2011


OK, I love 3 year olds, it's my favorite age. They laugh all the time, are helpful, and long for affection. Sam is 3 and even if he's a bit crazy at times he's also really funny. Here's some of what he's been saying lately...

-Yesterday he asked me why he has a mom. I told him it's moms responsibility to care for him, feed him, and give him love. He replied, "Yeah, daddy does NOT feed me!"

-He thinks because you have 10 fingers it's quite a large number.
The other day he said, "Mom, I can't wait to be 10 years old because then I get to drive!"

-School ends in just over a week. I sat down with the kids last week and we wrote down all the fun things we want to do this summer. Sam's ideas were the funniest.

What Sam is doing this summer:

-Go driving

-Visit the ocean. And while we're there Sam is going to ride a whale and Lizzy a shark.

-run around

-be nice to James

-catch bugs

I love this boy!



Luis and I were reading this together and laughing hysterically! HA HA! Sam is SO cool!! Such an imaginative little guy!

Oh, while we were out we saw Lego Star Wars t-shirts! I almost bought one for Sam. I might go back and get it. It is just too cool.

CarrieM said...

I love the part about the whale and the shark. The beach seems reasonable, but then he puts his goal out of reach!

LAURA said...


Amanda said...

Oh how we miss you guys! Sam is just as cute as ever!

Kim said...

We've always done Kid-isms too ~ LOVE them!! What a cutie he is!

neffie said...

So cute!! You know, I'm sure the skateboarding can be accomplished. :-)

SuburbiaMom said...

He is so cute. I love "be nice to James" you gotta start some time :).

Grapefruit said...

Oh, I am so inlove with Jane's third year of life too. It's so fun. And they make you feel so loved. Last night she kicked Mitchell in the head and Mitchell asked her, nicely, to please stop. She sat straight up and screamed, "MITCHELL!!! You are being so SELFISH!"

Love that budding vocabulary.

Paige LOVED L's letter. She can't wait for her to teach her how to fly.

*Ginny said...

I love him too!