Saturday, January 31, 2009

Oh what do we do in the WINTERTIME?

There's nothing like sharing popsicles in January!



THEY ARE SO ADORABLE! Liz is just as cute as ever, and Sam is just getting so big!

Susanne said...

M, M, M, those beautiful blue eyes!

Colleen said...

Hi! Its Colleen....I love your training log on the side of your blog. It sounds like you are doing a great job training. I am so excited for your race--you will just love it. Also, I think its time to do a marathon. Check into the St George marathon--its a good one, and far enough away that you'd be MORE than ready for it. Keep up the awesome work!

Grapefruit said...

These pictures are so cute! Lizzy is gorgeous as always. Popsicles in January...isn't that the truth! I was actually sweating at the park the other day it was so warm! Cute post!

Nicole said...

Cute pictures! I wish we were eating popcicles but instead we're drinking our hot cocoa. Good luck with your relay race next month.

MarySue said...

Hard to beat AZ winters!!! You're children are always darling.

Anonymous said...

Yes it has been nice weather and I know how you love those popsicles. I also wanted to say WOW on your running...impressive...keep it up and I hope the race goes well.

neffie said...

You guys have absolutely beautiful kids! Good job! :-)

LAURA said...

We were just in Phx this weekend, so nice and warm! Enjoy the winter!

2MyGirls said...

Crazy how warm it is. Taylor was asking me today when the splash park opens.

Anonymous said...

I can honestly say I'm jealous!!! :)

Colleen said...

Hey! If I had your email I'd send this to you that way, but hopefully you find this comment! Shin splints are horrible! I suggest NEW shoes. If you haven't been fitted for shoes by a running store, start there. I've heard wrapping your shins in an ace bandage can help (I tried it before, it helped a bit) and also you need to strengthen the front of your calves. So if you sit on a floor leg outstretched have someone pull the top of your foot towards them (or the floor) and you pull your foot towards your body. Also, if you sit in a high chair and your feet dangle write the alphabet with your feet. I dont know if pool running would make it worse, but I've had dr's tell me its a good alternative to running when I've had injuries. Hopefully this helps. If you want to email me my address is colleenhafen[at]