Sunday, February 15, 2009


When Lizzy was little all I ever wanted was for her to grow up. I couldn't wait for her to eat solid foods, to crawl, walk and talk. Then she got an imagination and blankets became forts, she became a princess and fairies became real. It was so much fun watching her grow up, "keep going time" I would say, let's see what's next! Last week Lizzy requested to go to bed a bit earlier and asked if we could not read her books so she would have extra time to read books in her bed. I said yes. Yesterday I begged, "tomorrow, it's my turn to read again, o.k.?" She consented once I told her how much I missed it. So, I now have a request for time: PLEASE STOP! I don't really want her to grow up. Yesterday we held hands in the mall and made fishy faces while kissing. Don't let that stop. Don't take the fairies away, they're real you know, or so she tells me. She said that they come along, make her a real fairy then change her back before we see her. Please, let her continue to transform into a fairy. Is that such a wrong request? If time continues I will just worry about her more, I will worry that she's making the right choice, I will worry that she will get hurt. I don't want to worry. I just want to hold that little girl in my arms and smother her with kisses that she lets me give her. Don't take the kisses away. Please time, just stop.



I miss her being smaller too...she use to want to talk to me ALL THE TIME. She would even call ME. Now i have to beg to talk to her!!

I love the pics of her, she#s the most beautiful girl ever.

McCrazys said...

Oh... this post makes me cry... so sweet...

Grapefruit said...

I love that girl. She is so beautiful! Time goes by way too fast. I feel the same way. And yes, fairies ARE real!

It was fun catching up tonight on the phone. You are such a great friend. I really am lucky to have you!

Susanne said...

Awww! Lizzy's beautiful!

I tell my boys to stop growing up but I never thought of sending my request to Time--let me know if it works.

LAURA said...

She really is beautiful and sweet and very creative, quite the imagination. I already feel what you wrote, and my girl is only 6 months old. I'm sad for what will change, it's so bittersweet. Thanks for your post.

Megan {ShabbyBlogs} said...

Love this post! I have three little girlies of my own so I can totally relate. :) Your daughter is just stunning!