Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Mommy and Lizzy's very, very small vegetable garden

Well, we love having a backyard. I have always wanted to plant a garden but have no idea how to do any gardening, in fact I usually have a hard time keeping house plants alive. So, we thought we would plant a few things in s small planter, then we branched out and made what Liz and I call our very, very small vegetable garden. We planted carrots, zucchini, peas, and green beans. I've been told that I planted too many close together and that I planted them too late. That's all part of the learning experience. Next year we will go a little bigger and hopefully better too. I will make sure to post if we actually get anything out of our garden.


2MyGirls said...

We have a very small vegetable garden too. We bought two half wine barrels and planted lettuce and cauliflower. I hope we can have a larger garden next year as well.

The pics of the girls in the chairs are at the botanical gardens.

Allison said...

Your garden is awesome! Better than mine is doing anyway. I might have to come and steal some zucchini plants. Cute Blog!

PJ said...

To learn how to garden, try to find your local "Extension Office" It will be staffed by an agricultural guru on loan from a state university. They can do free soil tests to see what you need to add to soil, free bug identification and tips on keeping bugs at bay, and tips for when to plant plants in your area.

Planting a garden in Houston is very, very different than it is in WV. I'm sure it's even more different for you.--PJ