Monday, June 23, 2008

Hot! Hot! Hot!

Does anyone else have their toolbar on their internet browser set to tell them the tempurature? Well, mine has had an icon of a thermometer on fire the last few days. That's about right! We are hot and have stopped going outside except to go swimming. In a week we make a few trips to the library, visit friends and have friends over, read indoors, and sit around the house sweating a LOT! That's what our summers look like. I have a few videos to share of the kids swimming. Liz loves to do cannon balls and flips into the pool and Sam keeps moving his arms and kicking his legs like he's trying to get somewhere. I hope everyone is having a good summer and finding ways to stay cool and out of the summer heat. If you think of some then PLEASE leave a message with an idea or 2 or 3! By-the-way, it has been over 110 degrees for the last week here!



I have an idea for you...come to Scotland. It's Cold! Cold! Cold!
Most of last week was in the 40's.

Allison said...

Lucky you have a pool. I'm lucky I'm your friend and you have a pool. :)