Friday, September 19, 2008

The aliens of a 5 year olds imagination

A few days ago while I was making dinner:

Lizzy: "If you and daddy ever left I would cry."

me: "If we ever left it would be to go to Hawaii."

Lizzy: "I would still cry the whole time."

me: "Well, if we were in Hawaii, grandma would be here with you guys."

Lizzy: "If grandma were here, I would not cry but smile the whole time. But if aliens came to watch us instead of grandma then I would scream the whole time."

me: "Aliens? Well, are they good or bad? What do they look like?"

Lizzy: "They have 8 eyes, 8 noses, one mouth, 2 arms and 1 leg."

me: "What do they eat?"

Lizzy: "Magnets. You need to hide all yours before they come."

me: "Do they have any special skills or powers?"

Lizzy: "Yes. They have razor sharp teeth that can cut through a sword."

Me: "Do humans have a chance against them? Do we have any special skills that they do not?"

Lizzy: "We can run much faster than them, they only have one leg."

Then she proceeded to paint pictures of the aliens bones. Their arm looks kinda like a house, she assures me that this is normal for the aliens although very strange looking for us humans. Here is a picture of some of their bones. It's very abstract looking and hard to tell what each bone is, but I suppose with an alien you never can tell.


Grapefruit said...

Yikes! I would not want to be inside her head during a bad dream. That girl has imagination! Love it.

Nicole said...

Aren't their imaginations wild... Carter comes up with some crazy stuff too, so funny!

2MyGirls said...

I hope I never meet that alien. I love kid's interpretations of things.

LAURA said...

You are so good at bringing out her imagination!

McCrazys said...

Hilarious! Love the artwork!