Monday, March 8, 2010

Life with Sam

I know, James is now 4 months old now. A whole month without a new blog post. Phil was working 2 jobs for a total of 13 hours of work a day plus Saturdays. He's down to one 40 hour a week job. So life is back to somewhat normal.

Here's what my life with Sam is like...

playing hide and seek

trying on my sunglasses, my shoes, and Lizzy's headband

Vacuuming naked

Screaming because I won't let him vacuum

more cleaning

asleep on the couch


*Ginny said...

asleep after all that cleaning, no doubt tuckered out! Do you rent him out? I'd love to have that kind of enthusiasm here. xoxoxoxo


Boy he sure is CUTE!

Laughing hysterically at the headband and his naked bum! So funny!
LOVE the sunglasses one. I'm gonna print it out to keep. He's so cute!

SuburbiaMom said...

The headband one is a riot! He is such a doll!

Grapefruit said...

Oh my gosh, I am laughing so hard. Those pictures are hilarious!

Miss you!


Luis just said Sam is welcome to come stay with us ANYTIME and do his cleaning thing! HA HA HA!!!

Susanne said...

No way! He still loves to clean?! I've never met anyone else like that. He needs to come show my boys how great cleaning can be.

AED said...


regina said...

what a cutie kid and so glad that you were able to capture it all perfect! my fav of course is the naked bum as he is vacuuming. too funny!

LAURA said...

he seems full of personality, what a good little helper.

Kim said...

That's so hilarious ~ especially the naked vacuuming. Anna used to be that way about helping clean. It's worn off slightly, but she is still my best helper!

Sherri said...

Those pictures could have come right out of my camera...I have a sweet little boy helper too! Love it!

Katie & Co. said...

I have a very similar picture of Spencer in a pair of my heels when he was about the same age. I just wish my kids were begging me for a cleaning job. I'd LOVE to hand them the vacuum.